I am forced to STOP.

dont do it!

This is something that cannot be changed,
This is something that is irreversible,
However hard we try,
However hard we cry,
We may speak loud,
Or we may shout,
But, this is where we have to surrender,
There is nothing that can make this situation better.

This is the truth of life,
The fact of our existence,
Still, we are unable to believe,
Unable to accept.

Life teaches us new lessons every day,
This one just taught me, what truth is,
I knew it always but I kept my eyes closed,
Because the illusion world appeared good.

Life gives us many experiences,
This one told me, how unpredictable is our life?
How uncertain is our future?
And how foolish it is to plan things?

Life show us many faces,
This one showed me, who is who?
Who was distant but still close?
And who was close but still distant?

Life shows us many paths,
But this time there is no path,
The road ahead is blocked,
And I am forced to STOP.

stop think


7 thoughts on “I am forced to STOP.

  1. I can very much relate to this post, Loved it but thought the ending was sad, I always love to see a way out of blocked paths and a light at the end of a dark tunnel. Because I strongly believe even on the darkest days, hope lingers somewhere.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. If the road ahead is blocked, find a way to carve your own path. one doesn’t always need external force to make roads. one who has felt pain, despair, sadness and has still kept on moving forward is enough to make the mountains move, its just a roadblock 🙂
    Amazing post 🙂 i felt and related to every word you’ve written.
    Keep writing, it heals 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I do agree with what you say regarding creating my own new path. For now, it’s all so hazy, that I do not feel, I know where to go but I am moving somewhere unknowingly. I hope I will be able to see my path clearly some day. It’s so pleasing to hear that you were able to relate so well with this post. Writing sure us theraupatic and I hope to continue writing.
      Many thanks for reading and understanding the depth of my posts.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Life show us many faces,
    This one showed me, who is who?
    Who was distant but still close?
    And who was close but still distant?
    Simply lovely Akansha . Nice verses.
    Yes indeed expression of our thoughts is truly therapeutic for it has all the answers we seek .

    Liked by 1 person

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